Opening Hours

Our opening hours are Monday - Friday 8.30am - 5.30pm.
We are also open most Saturday mornings from 9am - 12 noon.
Out of hours appointments by prior arrangement.

How to find us

We are a 4 minute walk from Isleworth Main Line Station.
Osterley Tube station (Piccadilly line) is a 10 minute walk away and we are happy to arrange to take you to the station or collect you, please just let us know.

St John's Road runs between the A310 Twickenham Road and the A315 London Road, the turning for Isleworth Business Complex is very close to St John’s Church and opposite St. John’s centre. Please note that satellite navigation devices using the post code may misdirect you to a side road with no access to our workshop.

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Contact info

Unit 7-8,
Isleworth Business Complex,
St Johns Road,
+44 (0)20 8758 2322